CEDH: Projects

I&D+I Projects

REVIJ Project


The REVIJ project - Reparation to the victim in the European Juvenile Justice Systems: Comparative analysis and transfer of best practices - aims to conduct a comparative analysis of the measures provided to the victims of offenses committed by youngsters and administered by European Juvenile Justice Systems. This project is oriented to understand both: a) European compliance with Directive 2012/29/EU of the European Parliament and of The Council; b) partners practices’ on restorative justice regarding juvenile justice field and victims’ rights.

Specific objectives can be summarized as follows:

  1. Obtain a shared vision about restorative justice services to the victim in the field of Juvenile Justice System;
  2. Analyze compliance with Directive 2012/29/EU of the European Parliament and of The Council regarding victims’ rights, support and protection;
  3. Compile a compendium of best practices;
  4. Propose guidelines that can be used by professionals and policy makers.

By gathering information of six different European countries, REVIJ project is able to conduct a comparison of good practices concerning victims’ reparation in the juvenile justice systems, focusing on European level. The project also has the potential to enhance a victim-centered judicial approach, more concerned about victims’ support, reparation and compensation.

Financing ProgramExecution DateGlobal Budget
Criminal Justice Programme of the European Union JUST/2013/JPEN/AG/4513n/an/a
