CEDH: Projects

I&D+I Projects



Supporting crime victims


The project “PRO.VI – PROTECT THE RIGHTS OF VICTIMS” intends to complement EU efforts in supporting crime victims in all Member States.

Pro.Vi will thus utilize a two-fold approach – an analytical capacity assessment to serve as the baseline and inform the capacity building activities – that will develop as complementary to, and in synergy with, each other with the overall goal to contribute to the improvement of the European crime victims’ protection system – both in criminal proceedings and of victim support services.

A key role will be played by RJ professionals who already represent forefront service providers in paying attention to victims’ needs. The project’s actions will thus seek to involve the key-professionals in both areas – namely Judges and lawyers, academics, restorative justice practitioners, social workers, psychologists, health professionals, police, and other professionals involved in the victim support service – viewed as extremely complementary to one another. The principle that guides this comprehensive approach lies in the consideration that all professional areas and services working in support of crime victims should share the same view, strategy and aims in order to achieve the most effective possible action.

This project will thus seek to facilitate the EU harmonization process for the protection of victims’ rights by carrying out a capacity building process in five EU countries supported by an analytical capacity assessment.


Victims, support, rights, professionals, capacity building.


Psychoanalytic Institute for Social Research (IPRS) – coordinator -, Asociacion Consensus (Spain), Universidade Catolica Portuguesa (Portugal), CIG - Comissão Para a Cidadania e Igualdade de Género, CJD (Germany) and Fundatia Pro Prietenia Arad (Romania).

Financing ProgramExecution DateGlobal Budget
Grant agreement number: 802047 – Pro.Vi – JUST-AG-20172018-2020n/a
Catarina Ribeirocjribeiro@ucp.pt+351 22 6196200
