CEDH: Projects

I&D+I Projects

ACT – Learning with all


The ACT - Aprender com Todos is a socio-educational intervention and research project, funded by Norte 2020 and the European Social Fund, that will develop and implement a set of actions/measures that aim to contribute for the promotion of school success and the prevention of early school dropout in a specific school context in Lordelo do Ouro.

Thus, ACT has the following specific objectives: 1) To implement measures to promote school success across the different levels of education in a multilevel approach; 2) To invest in early and preventive intervention for learning difficulties; 3) To promote the collaborative participation of community institutions in promoting school success; 4) To involve the Parents Associations in promoting students' school involvement and educational success; 5) To Streamline non-formal learning programs in conjunction with formal approaches, in order to enhance learning and development processes; 6)To stimulate socioemotional skills and self-regulation of learning in students, in order to enhance educational success; 7) To promote a positive school culture and prevent indiscipline by reinforcing positive and cooperative relationships between teachers, students and non-teaching staff; 8)To assess the impact of programs and measures on school success; 9) To disseminate good practices in terms of promoting school success.

Financing ProgramExecution DateGlobal Budget
NORTE 2020 e Fundo Social EuropeuOctober 2019 to August 2021n/a
Lurdes Veríssimolverissimo@ucp.ptn/a
