Catholic researchers publish “PRO.VI - Protect the Rights of the Victims” Handbook for Practitioners

This handbook was developed in the context of the project “Pro.VI – Protecting Victims’ Rights”, financed by the European Commission – Directorate General Justice and Consumers (JUST-AG2017/JUST-JACC-AG-2017).

The Pro.Vi Handbook for Practitioners is intended to provide practitioners both within and outside the criminal justice system (e.g., police, prosecutors, judges, social workers, psychologists, victim support service providers) with an understanding of advances in the protection of victims’ rights in terms of the application of law, innovative developments and practices, and practical guidance to assist them in their interactions with victims of crime via the utilization of a victim sensitive approach.

The Handbook takes into consideration all victims of crime including adults, minors and other vulnerable groups recognized as having specific protections and rights. The Handbook for Practitioners is available now, in english and in portuguese language.


