CEDH: Projects

I&D+I Projects

Projeto MIPA-Mobile / Project MIPA-Mobile


Over the last years, a remarkable development has been shown in the study of outcome monitoring in psychotherapy. Outcome monitoring can be defined as a systematic and repeated assessment of psychological variables during the process of psychological intervention; the psychological intervention process may change as a result of feedback from the monitoring process as well (McAleavey et al., 2012). Traditionally, the assessment of relevant variables for outcome monitoring is focused on measures of symptoms and /or well-being, and the inclusion of process measures (e.g. working alliance) is not common; furthermore, monitoring is usually conducted using paper- pencil instruments, implying time and material resources that often jeopardize its implementation. At the same time, over the last decades information technology has had an enormous advance, leading to the development of technological applications for most human domains, including psychological intervention.

Such a proposal can be justified by the difficulty to implement strategies for monitoring psychological intervention with children and adolescents, using multiple time points, integrating multiple measures and multiple informants.

Financing ProgramExecution DateGlobal Budget
FCT - EXPL/MHC-PCL/1011/2013n/an/a
