CEDH: Projects

I&D+I Projects

SexismFreeNight - Raising awareness and Capacity building towards safer and egalitarian Nightlife environments


Sexism Free Night aims to reduce sexual violence and sexism in nightlife scenes by raise awareness among party goers and promote safer and more egalitarian nightlife environments. Sexism Free Night include a diverse pool of nightlife promoters, NGO and a university working together in and innovative and multi sectorial partnership to promote safer and more egalitarian nightlife environments.


  • Produce and disseminate knowledge about sexual violence in nightlife environments in Europe
  • Engage professionals working in nightlife environments in the denormalization of sexism and prevention of sexual violence
  • Build best-practice guidance and capacity about sexual violence prevention among harm reduction professionals intervening in nightlife environments
  • Raise-awareness about the importance of bystanders in the denormalisation and prevention of sexual violence among party goers
Financing ProgramExecution DateGlobal Budget
Rights Equality and Citizenhsip Programme of the European Commission24 months541.206,00€
Maria Carmo Carvalho | Cristiana Vale Piresmccarvalho@ucp.pt | cvpires@ucp.pt(+351) 226 196 200
