2nd Steering Group Meeting of the project PRO.VI – Protecting Victims Rights

The “PRO.VI – Protecting Victims’ Rights” is a project, co-financed by the European Commission (JUST/JACC/AG/2017/802047), that aims to improve the provision of victim support services for victims of crime and assure the protection of their rights. The project involves five countries of EU: Portugal, Germany, Italy, Romania and Spain.

In Portugal, the study is being done by the researchers (Catarina Ribeiro; Mariana Barbosa; Raquel Matos; Mafalda Santos) of Faculty of Education and Psychology of Catholic University of Porto. The project has as national Partner CIG - Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality.

The second steering group meeting – SGM2 – took place on 22nd, 23rd and 24th may, 2019, in Porto, Portugal, at Catholic University of Porto. This meeting, coordinated by the Italian partner IPRS (Istituto Psicoanalitico per le Ricerche Sociali), had the presence of the partner countries members, the TAB members (Transnational Advisory Board) and the invited experts of each country. On the first day of the meeting each partner provided an update of the progress, activities completed, and activities planned with varying levels of implementation. On the second day of the meeting, was attended by the TAB and the experts from each country, who made presentations of best practices and key advances in each partner country by participating delegates/stakeholders and experts. On the last day, valuable input was provided during the meeting that enabled both exchange amongst participants and the acquisition of ideas for proceeding with country-specific activities. We discussed about the Capacity Building, and most of the partners agreed to focus on a common capacity building toolkit addressing the point of first contact of the victim to the system of justice and other victim’s assistance provide, with the potential to add modules addressing special concerns.

The next meeting – SGM3 – will involve all research teams, the experts and the stakeholders from the partners countries. This SGM3 will take place on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of December, 2019, in Luebeck, Germany.
