Barbara Cesar Machado co-author of the poster presented at the European Council on Eating Disorders, in Paris

On September 13th 2019, Bárbara César Machado, professor at FEP-UCP and CEDH's researcher, was co-author of the poster presented at the European Council on Eating Disorders / ECED, designated “Eating disorders: A transdiciplinary approach to understanding and care”, which took place in the Palais du Luxembourg, in Paris. The work was titled “Eating Disorders in Males: A case series study to evaluate putative risk factors”, and was co-authored with former students of the MSc in Clinical Psychology from FEP-UCP Inês Buinhas, Natália Granja, Márcia Cunha, Joana Sá and João Machado. The work was also co-authored by Sónia Gonçalves and Ana Isabel Vieira, CIPsi (Universidade do Minho) researchers’, and Isabel Brandão, Sertório Timóteo e Patrícia Nunes, researchers from the Psychiatry Department of the Faculty of Medicine (Centro Hospitalar S. João, Porto). 
Reference: Gonçalves, S. Vieira, A- I., Brandão, I., Buinhas, I., Granja, N., Cunha, M., Sá, J., Machado, J., Timóteo, S., Nunes, P. & Machado, B. C., (October 2019). “Eating Disorders in Males: A case series study to evaluate putative risk factors”. Poster presented at ECED / European Council on Eating Disorders - Eating disorders: A transdiciplinary approach to understanding and care. Paris: France.
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September 2019