CEDH researchers co-authored an article in the journal Psicologia em Estudos

Rosário Serrão Cunha and Luísa Mota Ribeiro (CEDH’s researchers), Cristiana Sequeira, Rita Almeida de Barros and Leonor Cabral (former students of FEP-UCP), and Teresa Silva Dias (Pós-Doctoral researcher in FPCEUP), published an article on the Journal Psicologia em Estudo, available online with Open Access.

The article is titled “What makes learning easier and more difficult? The perspective of teenagers”, and is available both in English and Portuguese. This qualitative study aimed to understand the perceptions of adolescent students about what facilitates and hinders their learning. The results highlighted, among others, the key role of teachers in students’learning; the importance of students’ action vs passivity in the classroom; and the relevance of emotional and relational dimension to enhance students’ engagement. Link to read the article: http://www.periodicos.uem.br/ojs/index.php/PsicolEstud/issue/view/1761.

Cunha, R. S., Ribeiro, L. M., Sequeira, C., Barros, R. de A., Cabral, L., & Dias, T. S. (2020). O que facilita e dificulta a aprendizagem? A perspetiva de adolescentes [What makes learning easier and more difficult? The perspective of teenagers]. Psicologia em Estudo, 25. 10.4025/psicolestud.v25i0.46414

