FEP leads project of School Management and Improvement of Schools

Started in January 2017, the EDUGest project - School Management and Improvement of Schools, is a study on the management skills of primary and secondary schools, led by the School of Education and Psychology of UCP, in collaboration with the Católica Porto Business School. The study intends to analyze not only the management bodies and pedagogical structures of the schools, but also their organizational practices and the management that is done in the classroom.

Coordinated by Ilídia Cabral, professor at the School of Education and Psychology, the project counts also with the participation of João Formosinho, retired professor at the University of Minho, Antonio Bolivar, professor at the University of Granada (Spain), Cândido Gomes, professor at the Catholic University of Brasília, as well as with researchers from the Blanquerna / Ramon Lull University (Barcelona).

