Filipa Sobral co-authors an article in the international journal “Personnel Review”

Filipa Sobral, CEDH’s researcher and FEP-UCP Professor, publishes the article “Dealing with temporariness Generational effects on temporary agency workers’ employment relationships” in the international journal Personnel Review. The purpose of this paper was to explore how different generations of temporary agency workers (TAWs), respond to human resource practices (HRP), which in turn influences their affective commitment and work performance. According with the abstract of the paper: The results support the moderator effect of generations in the direct and indirect relationships – through both affective commitments – between TAWs’ perceived HRP and perceived performance. Moreover, the findings suggest important differences in the way in which the same HRP system relates (directly and indirectly thorough affective commitment toward the client) with their perceived performance across different generations. This publication is part of the results achieved through the Project: "Transitions of Temporary Agency Workers (TAW): Patterns, Experiences and Results" (Project funded by FCT: PTDC/MHCPSO/ 4399/2012).
Sobral, F., Ng, E., Castanheira, F., Chambel, M. and Koene, B. (2019). Dealing with temporariness. Personnel Review.
November 2019