Maria Raul Xavier co-authorship of a scientific paper published in the journal “Health and Addictions”

Maria Raul Xavier, Professor of FEP-UCP and CEDH’s researcher, published in co-authorship with Ainara Rivas and Belén Charro from Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Spain,  a scientific paper titled “Pregnancy and alcohol: Knowledges, attitudes and opinions of healthcare professionals” in the journal “Health and Addictions”.

This article results from the joint work of the international Alcohol use during Pregnancy project team.

Charro, B., Rivas, A., & Xavier, M. R. (2019). Embarazo y alcohol: conocimientos, actitudes y opiniones de los profesionales sanitários/ Pregnancy and alcohol: Knowledges, attitudes and opinions of healthcare professionals. Health and Addictions, 19(2), 78-90. 
