Scientific article published in Acta Psychologica Journal


Patrícia Oliveira-Silva, assistant professor in the FEP-UCP, is a co-author of a scientific article published in the journal Acta Psychologica, entitled Mind wandering and the attention network system. The study was developed in partnership with Óscar F. Gonçalves (University of Minho) and a large team, including a research group from Harvard and another from Brazil. The aim of this study was to test the interference of different types of thoughts on the components of the attentional network.

Gonçalves, O. F., Rêgo, G., Oliveira-Silva, P., Leite, J., Carvalho, S., Fregni, F., Amaro Jr, E., & Boggio, P. S. (2017). Mind wandering and the attention network system. Acta Psychologica. 172, 49-54.


